PlanePlotter Pro Free Download With Product Key (2024)
PlanePlotter Pro receives and decodes live digital position reports from aircraft and plots them on a chart. Google Ads Using PlanePlotter, you can see a radar-like display of all those aircraft around you that are transmitting the appropriate digital messages including ACARS, ADS-B and HFDL.
PlanePlotter plots aircraft positions, altitudes and times decoded from the message traffic that it receives. These include embedded position reports, AMDAR reports and ADS reports contained in ACARS messages, ADS-B position reports received by the Kinetic SBS1(tm) or AirNav System RadarBox(tm) Mode-S receivers, and position reports on HF using Charles Brain’s PC-HFDL software. The plot can be superimposed on a suitable aeronatical chart that you have prepared, or PlanePlotter can download satellite imagery and plot the aircraft symbols on that. Where altitude information is available (eg Mode-S messages), you can select the data by altitude band to distinguish low level and high level traffic.
PlanePlotter Pro Over Google Earth
Using this program, you can see a radar-like display of all those aircraft around you transmitting the appropriate digital messages, including ACARS, ADS-B, & HFDL. If you receive Mode-S ADS-B position reports, it can interface to Google Earth to display aircraft positions over the Google Earth base map.
It can even give you a dynamic real-time view of the aircraft when you designate the flight deck. It can also determine and display the direction of any transmission using a simple passive antenna switch. PlanePlotter Pro Chart Display plots aircraft positions, altitudes, and times, decoded from the message traffic it receives. These include embedded position reports, AMDAR and ADS reports contained in ACARS messages, ADS-B position reports received by the Kinetic SBS1 or AirNav System RadarBox Mode-S receivers, and position reports on HF using Charles Brain’s PC-HFDL software.
The plot can be superimposed on a suitable aeronautical chart you have prepared, or it can download satellite imagery and plot the aircraft symbols. Where altitude information is available (e.g., Mode-S messages), you can select the data by altitude band to distinguish between low-level and high-level traffic.
PlanePlotter Pro Key Features:
- Message display – PlanePlotter shows a table display of messages received and decoded from live aircraft transmissions.
- Data saving – PlanePlotter archives all the digital data that it receives and decodes to a log file.
- Chart display – PlanePlotter plots aircraft positions, altitudes and times decoded from the message traffic that it receives. These include embedded position reports, AMDAR reports and ADS reports contained in ACARS messages, ADS-B position reports received by the Kinetic SBS1(tm) or AirNav System RadarBox(tm) Mode-S receivers, and position reports on HF using Charles Brain’s PC-HFDL software. The plot can be superimposed on a suitable aeronatical chart that you have prepared, or PlanePlotter can download satellite imagery and plot the aircraft symbols on that. Where altitude information is available (eg Mode-S messages), you can select the data by altitude band to distinguish low level and high level traffic.
- Google Earth server – If you are receiving Mode-S ADS-B position reports, PlanePlotter can interface to Google Earth to display aircraft positions over the Google Earth base map. It can even give you a dynamic real-time view from the flight deck of an aircraft that you designate.
What’s New:
Inmarsat TLE Update: The software now automatically updates the Two-Line Elements (TLE) for Inmarsat satellites whenever Inmarsat plotting is enabled. This addresses an issue where old orbits were displayed if the TLEs were not updated recently.
Simplified Inmarsat Display: The display of Inmarsat satellites has been pruned to show only the four satellites currently delivering the monitored traffic.
Serial Key:
License Key:
Activation Key:
System Requirements:
- Supported OS: Windows 10(All Version Support), Windows 8.1(All Version Support), Windows 7(All Version Support) Windows Vista.
- RAM Memory: 2 GB of RAM (4 GB recommended).
- Free Hard Disk Space: 200 MB or more.
- Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo or higher.
- Minimum Screen Resolution: 800 x 600.
- Graphics: Graphics hardware acceleration requires DirectX 9 or later, with WDDM 2.0.
How to install it?
- First, download the Software from the link given below.
- Uninstall the previous version.
- Note Disable antivirus protection.
- After downloading, ZIP or extract the RAR file and open the installer.
- Install setup after installation and close it from anywhere.
- After replacing the crack, use the license key and register the program.
- Now, enjoy the latest version!
PlanePlotter can decode ACARS messages, display the message content and plot any positions on a chart. It can process and display Mode-S/ADS-B position reports captured by the Kinetic SBS1(tm), the AirNav Systems.